Prayer Breakfas/Coffee/Choco/Tea Model Meeting

D’group Prayer Breakfas/Coffee/Choco/Tea Model Meeting

1. Openning Prayer

Initiated by facilitator assigned or facilitator solicits from among the coregroup.

2. Choosen topic assigned by the Leadership or coregroup head.

3. Every attendee reads a paragraph each  to be lead by the facilitator

4. After the reading of the devotional the facilitator initially ask the first question out of the    laid 4 reflection/discussion questions..

5. Each one will be given the opportunity to give his insights of the given topic to help others find their pathway to life’s journey.

6. After discussion summary the facilitator solicit prayer concern from the attendees so the group can pray for the said concern.

(distribute DG Prayer Information Card which will be kept by the Prayer Team Leader)

7. Prayer Team Leader records on the journal all prayer requests for prayer Inventory



 1. Serve as a facilitator, not a lecturer.

 2. Your goal is to encourage personal interaction amongst group attendees.

 3. Try not to be overly directive or too passive.

 4. Focus on what the question is or study has to say and not on you as a facilitator..

 5. Maintain an atmosphere of love and acceptance.

 6. Never put down a person’s comments or insights.

 7. Encourage involvement.

 8. Encourage application..

 9. Keep discusssion on tract. Beware of “tangents” that take the discussion on too far a field.

 10. Summarize the main ideas that are presented to help keep focus.

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