R for Right Attitude
➢ To be successful you need 100% of
yourself and 100% from the vehicle you
need. So it is 100% dedication and 100%
from the office or business you are
working. 200% is required. Or your life.
➢ How to make your ATTITUDE your
greatest asset
➢ Attitude is the difference maker in your life,
opening doors and helping you overcome
great obstacles. John C. Maxwell said.
➢ The way we think determines what our
attitudes are.
➢ The Bible says: For as a man thinketh in
his heart so is he…. Proverbs 23:7
➢ How To Choose The Right Tract
➢ 1. Take responsibility for Your Attitude. Our
attitude don’t come from our
circumstances or personal history. Attitude
does not come from outside ourselves. It
comes from within.
➢ The first rule of winning is don’t beat
yourself. The attitude you possess is your
responsibility and no one else.
➢ 2. Evaluate your present attitude. Start
from where you are now in your
attitude. Identify problem feelings about
yourself. Identify problem feelings related
to others. Identify problem thinking. We
are the sum total of our thoughts
➢ 3. Develop the desire to change. The
desire to change is the key to growth in all
areas of life.
➢ 4. Change your attitude by changing your
thoughts. The human mind has
tremendous power in our lives.
➢ 5. Develop Good Habits. Be conscious
competent. It means that you develop your
thoughts on something good not bad.
Where we are today is the result of the
dominating thoughts in our mind; negative
thoughts, negative thoughts, wrong
decisions, wrong actions, continual actions
and bad habits. Proactivism is the
opposite of reactivism. You need to be
proactive rather than reactive
➢ 6. Manage Your Attitude Daily.. How do
you do that. A Chinese proverb
says. “Assume a cheerfulness you do not
feel, and shortly you feel the cheerfulness
you assumed.” When you get up in the
morning you need to remind yourself of
the decision you made to have a positive
attitude. You need to manage your thinking
and direct your actions so they are
consistent with your decisions.
O For Objective or a Goal or a
➢ As Dr. Rick Warren said;
➢ Many people set goals, but few people ever set
a Life Objective. Goals relate to separate parts
of your life: your career, finances, family,
retirement, and other important aspects of it. But
a Life Objective sets the direction of your entire
life. Your Life Objective is what determines the
big picture, the overall approach you follow in
life. There are four tremendous benefits of
thinking through and writing down a Life
➢ It reduces frustration by simplifying decision-making. Every day
you are faced with a variety of choices, and often they are very
complex. Having a Life Objective gives you a standard by which to
evaluate which alternative is best for you.
➢ It increases motivation – The right Life Objective will inspire you to
get up in the morning and persist when you feel like giving up.
“Where there is no vision, people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).
➢ It allows concentration – Success is largely the result of focusing
on one thing and doing it well. A well-known TV news broadcaster
displayed a plaque on his desk that reminded him, “Will what I’m
doing right now benefit that broadcast?” A Life Objective helps you
focus your time, energy and resources.
➢ It attracts cooperation – It is an observable fact that when you
decide exactly where you want to go in life, many other people will
want to go along with you. People follow those who have clearly
figured out who they are and what they are here to accomplish.
➢ Here are three steps to begin with:
➢ Identify your talents and gifts – Ask, “What am I good at?” and “What do I
really enjoy doing because I do it well?” When God designed you, He put
specific characteristics and abilities into your DNA – your genetic structure
and predispositions. These serve to make up the combination of traits
makes you unique. God wants you to do what he has gifted you to do!
➢ Review your experiences – Ask, “What have I learned?” Our greatest
lessons come from our hurts and pains. These need to be factored into a
Life Objective.
➢ Decide what is really important – The urgent is not always the
important. Williams James, one of the pioneers of psychology, once said,
“The best use of your life is to invest it in that which outlasts it.” So ask
yourself, “What is going to last the longest?“
➢ The Bible offers this sound advice: “Keep a vigilant watch over your heart;
that is where life starts … keep your eyes straight ahead, avoid all sideshow
distractions. Watch your step and the road will stretch out smooth before
you” (Proverbs 4: 23, 25, 26 – The Message).
S For System
➢ Whatever kind of enterprise in order to succeed must
have a system to be followed; whether individual single
proprietorship or an enterprise develop a system of
operation in order to work its activities in a harmonious
and systematic way so that the system itself can be
independent and can be depended upon by the owner or
a group when used. Vice–versa the system can work for
the owner or enterprise concern. A system can be a way
to run a life or an enterprise in an established manner or
in itself can be flexible depending on the circumstances,
meaning a system can be tested and revised whatever
and then in placed when polished and then activated to
work for which it is created and developed. e.g.
Computerized software for Business systems. MultiLevel
Marketing system, etc
E is For Enthusiasm
➢ The word ENTHUSIASM derive from the rootword
“Entheos” God within.
➢ Before we can understand it’s meaning we need to be
spiritual, and to be spiritual is not just learning how to be
spiritual but to experience spirituality. We cannot
experience spirituality unless we unburden ourselves
with unbelief. Everyone has a vacuum in our hearts
which can only be filled by the spirit of God when we
unburden ourselves. Meaning we have to ask for
forgiveness from God for our unbelief of Him who
created us and give us life with understanding or
cerebral capacity to understand which differentiate us
from the animals who does not have the capacity to
reason out because they were created under the
dominion of humans
“S” For Share or Sharing
➢ To share is a verb and sharing is a noun. Either
one represents the last S for ROSES.
➢ The question is: How can you share when you
do not have. So the mandate is you can
➢ only share what you have. There are 3 meaning
of sharing 1. is having in common 2: using or
enjoying something jointly with others and 3:
sharing thoughts and feelings Synonym:
➢ Philippians 2:3-4 (New International
➢ 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain
conceit, but in humility consider others
better than yourselves. 4Each of you
should look not only to your own interests,
but also to the interests of others.